I’ve been asked to spin again at Club Defcon this Friday, so I’ll be reaching for more upfront dubstep, funky, wonk, all things beyond and between. I’ll be on the bill with resident Decoy Rocktopus and the spooky Herman Munster playing their own eclectic blend of electro/house/Baltimore/bassline/grime/jams. So get down early and party through the night it's going to go off.
Music reviews and words. No leaks. Feel free to comment.
Miss Marple? No Dot Cotton...
Other projects include Sonic Router and the mess around news feed Xpldr and the occasional contribution to Always Everything. Check out the links and RSS bellow for the low down.
'jimi is the apex from which everyone else fans out of' NFR Blog
'so here's to jimitheexploder. The only name to trust' Worriedaboutsatan
'Jimi - whose enthusiasam for this remarkable genre is humbling - he say's "Now that's a single!" And let's face it, I know who I should be more inclined to take my dubstep recommendations from' Wendy Roby of DiS
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